The packaging line of this company is able to provide various packaging with various uses, which is easy to maintain the safety of transportation.In general, packaging is provided to customers in the form of bulk bags and sealed barrels, and it is sent only to steel factories in the form of big bags and 50 kg sealed barrels.
- Bucket, barrel and bag
1- Calcium carbide produced in calcium carbide industries is sent in containers, barrels and bags weighing 5, 40, 50 kg.Buckets and barrels, like other types of packaging of our products, are completely sealed in terms of weather penetration. When emptying, the door of the bucket or barrel opens easily. Barrels containing carbide are directly delivered to the iron smelter.
In iron melting, a barrel containing carbide is thrown into the furnace, and after melting, the calcium carbide inside is released and reacts with the melt.Calcium carbide industries can deliver calcium carbide in bags and buckets of 5 kg, which are carried inside one-ton big bags. Customers prefer 5 kg bags and buckets more. Because the packages are lighter and easily react with the melt. In case of ordering calcium carbide in bags and 5 kg buckets containing the desired packages, they can be placed near the place of use and there is no need for further transportation.Big Bag bags are 6 mils thick. There are 22 bags in each container. The lid of the bags is closed with metal straps, in this case, in addition to ease of use, its safety is also maintained.